FPF Training’s Concealed Carry: Street Encounter Skills and Tactics class

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of classes that teach ‘soft skills’ as well as combatives/shooting.  Seeing a potential conflict coming gives you the most options to avoid it, or, at worst, meet it with more awareness and preparation and thus a better chance of success.  And just like shooting, the way to get better at these techniques is to train and practice them, get the reps in under the watchful eye of a good instructor.  And when someone as steeped in this stuff as Cecil Burch of Immediate Action Combatives vouches for an instructor and their curriculum, I listen.

Which brings me to our next topic:  Cecil and Freddie Blish are bringing John Murphy of FPF Training out to Phoenix in late February, for his “Street Encounter Skills and Tactics” class.  I’ve missed this the last couple years he’s come out this way, but I’m not going to miss this iteration. Come on out and get your MUC, OC, and a very frugal 250rds of pistol shooting in.
