Testing the Duckbill Choke with Forgotten Weapons

A couple months ago, I had a conversation with Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons, and we got to talking about (what else?) shotguns.  We wanted to do something cool, and it just so happened that Ian had recently sent off a Remington model 11 to Vang Comp Systems to have them convert it into a replica of the Browning A8 police shotgun (often referred to as a Rhodesian model due to its use in that conflict, though that wasn’t an official name).  He also had them affix a replica duckbill choke onto a spare barrel, and we figured, what better way to test it out than to compare it to a typical fighting shotgun of the period?  Fortunately, I happen to have a 1970s-vintage 870 in my stockpile which had been issued to the Ohio National Guard, and is still in its original configuration.  It’s typical of the cylinder-bore, bead-sighted fighting guns of the period and we figured it’d make a great control for testing.  So off to the range we went with some boxes of S&B buckshot in 00, #1 and #4 flavors.  I think the video came out rather well.